21950 SW 217th Ave Miami, FL 33170 • Monday-Friday 8:00 am—4:30 pm • Jessica 786-478-9028 • Arnoldo (Español) 786-786-5780 • sales@freundfloweringtrees.com

Eucalyptus deglupta – Rainbow Eucalyptus

Prized for its color-filled trunk, the rainbow eucalyptus is eye catching and exotic. The older it grows, the more colors the trunk reveals. As the bark peels, the newly green flesh shows and as it matures, it goes through a variation of colors leading the tree to display a rainbow of colors. High salt tolerance.

Origin: Sulawesi to Philippines and New Guinea

Height: 75+ft

Growth: very fast

Flowering: several times a year

Salt tolerance: moderate to high

DSC_0638 (681x1024) DSC_0641 (681x1024) rainbow euc tree (664x1000)

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