21950 SW 217th Ave Miami, FL 33170 • Monday-Friday 8:00 am—4:30 pm • Jessica 786-478-9028 • Arnoldo (Español) 786-786-5780 • sales@freundfloweringtrees.com

Azadirachta indica – Neem Tree

The Neem Tree has gained popularity over the years for its oil, which is used as a natural pest deterrent. These trees are large, evergreen shade trees with small lightly fragrant blooms. The leaves are dark green and glossy, and have a red emergent new growth. Native to south Asia, neem is widely planted and naturalized in semiarid areas throughout Asia and Africa. It has been introduced to several Caribbean islands where it is grown principally for shade, fuelwood, and numerous nonwood products obtained from the leaves, fruits, and bark. These include medicinal and insecticidal agents. Except in frost-prone and dry regions, neem is evergreen.

Origin: South Asia

Type: Tree

Size: 50 ft

Growth: Fast

Blooming: Fall

Sun: Full / Partial

Watering: Moderate

Salt Tolerance: Moderate

Drought Tolerance: Moderate

Attracts: Bees, Butterflies, Birds

Zone: 10-11

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